(Mar De Sombras)
Section: MX Ahora
Directed by: Richard Ladkani
Language: Spanish (English Subtitles)
Year of Production: 2019
Country of Origin: Austria
Duration: TBD
Executive produced by Oscar-winner Leonardo DiCaprio, this hard-hitting documentary follows environmental activists, the Mexican navy, and undercover investigators who are trying to save the vaquita, the world’s smallest whale, from extinction. The whale’s habitat is being destroyed at an alarming pace by Mexican cartels and the Chinese mafia, who harvest the swim bladder of the totoaba fish, also known as the “cocaine of the sea” for its high value. Featuring famed Mexican journalist Carlos Loret de Mola, the film bravely shines light on this illegal multi-million-dollar business
Producido por el ganador del Oscar, Leonardo DiCaprio, este impactante documental sigue a activistas ambientales, la marina mexicana, y a investigadores encubiertos que intentan salvar a la vaquita, la ballena más pequeña del mundo, de la extinción. El hábitat de la ballena está siendo destruido a un ritmo alarmante por los cárteles mexicanos y la mafia china, quienes recolectan la vejiga natatoria del pez totoaba, también conocida como la “cocaína del mar” por su alto valor. Con testimonios del famoso periodista mexicano Carlos Loret de Mola entre otros expertos, la película expone valientemente este negocio ilegal y millonario.

Screening followed by Q&A – TBA.

The Largest Mexican Film Festival outside of Mexico, celebrating our 11th year.
May 31- June 8, 2019