Section: MX Ahora
Directed by: Andrés Kaiser
Language: Spanish (English Subtitles)
Year of Production: 2019
Country of Origin: México
Duration: 98 min
Cast: José Ángel García, Julio Sandoval, Hector Illanes, José Concepción Macías
Told through videotape diaries and interviews, this terrifying vision centers on Juan Felipe de Jesús (Héctor Illanes), a priest and psychoanalyst in the Oaxacan mountains who in 1986 documented the process of reintegrating three feral children back into civilized society. However, when a mysteriously tragic fire halts the priest’s good intentions, many unanswered questions are left behind about what really happened in the inhospitable terrain. Only the locals know the dark truth.
Contada por medio de videos y entrevistas, esta terrorífica visión se centra en Juan Felipe de Jesús (Héctor Illanes), un sacerdote y psicoanalista en las montañas de Oaxaca, quien en 1986 documentó el proceso para reintegrar a tres niños salvajes a la sociedad civilizada. Sin embargo, cuando un trágico y misterioso incendio detiene las buenas intenciones del sacerdote, muchas preguntas quedan sin resolver acerca de lo que realmente sucedió en este inhóspito lugar. Sólo los lugareños conocen la tenebrosa verdad.

Screening followed by Q&A – TBA.
These films will make us scream or introduce us to a world of pain and suffering – physically or mentally. The Nocturno section will present you with the bizarre and purely horrifying films being produced in Mexico.

The Largest Mexican Film Festival outside of Mexico, celebrating our 11th year.
May 31- June 8, 2019