Hola Mexico Film Festival - 2020 Festival Guide


El Vuelo Que Surcó La Noche

Epic Flight Into The Night

Section: Documental

Directed by: Acelo Ruiz Villanueva
Language:Spanish (English Subtitles)
Year of Production: 2020
Country of Origin:México
Cast: Antonio Orozco Michel, Álvaro Mario Cartagena López “Guaymas”, José Natividad Villela Vargas



This film will be available on Pantaya from September 11- 20, 2020


Mexico, 1976, government persecution of student and labor organizations continues.  Toño and Guaymas, members of the communist league “23 de septiembre”, one of the most important underground resistance organizations in the country’s history, are detained on the grounds of subversion, and sent to the high security section of Oblatos Penitentiary in Guadalajara.  Their only chance of surviving is to escape.

México, 1976. La represión gubernamental en contra de las organizaciones estudiantiles y de trabajadores continúa. Toño y Guaymas, miembros de la Liga Comunista 23 de septiembre uno de los grupos clandestinos de resistencia más importantes del país, son encarcelados por actos subversivos en la sección de máxima seguridad de la penitenciaria de Oblatos en Guadalajara. El enemigo no tiene intenciones de dejarlos salir con vida, solo hay una opción: fugarse.

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How to Watch


This year, watch the entire festival for just $4.99!

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Visit this link to sign up directly:

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Then Use Promo Code HMFF2020


IMPORTANT: Please sign up as shown above to enjoy the festival.

Make sure you do it online only through the link Hola Mexico provides.

2020 Festival Lineup

This year, all 20 films with be available to watch on Pantaya, click to take a peak at this years selection. 


Each film will be followed by an exclusive Q&A video with filmmakers & cast.

SEPTEMBER 11-20, 2020

This year, watch the entire Hola Mexico 2020 Festival for just $4.99! 

The Largest Mexican Film Festival outside of Mexico, celebrating our 12th year.